They're at it again! (These are NOT bikers)
Anti-social behaviour and the reputation of motorcyclists

Did anyone read the recent news of the Halloween Hooligans? They took to the streets of Leeds, Birmingham, and London on their bikes in a supposedly planned ride-out. Speeding, pulling wheelies in the street, jumping red lights, mounting pavements and damaging vehicles.
There were around 200 of them in Birmingham on October 31st. Many wearing masks and riding without helmets or lights. They were hurling fireworks at motorists and attacked a police van.
Meanwhile, a gang of about 50 were causing chaos in Leeds. And a similar incident happened in London the night before. Hundreds of criminals pulled stunts and sped through the city, weaving around pedestrians.
Arrests have been made and bikes seized. The police have made clear that this is not the doing of the average biker. "This wasn't a rally of bike enthusiasts - this was loutish, criminal behaviour", said Chief Inspector Jack Hadley. But disassociating these criminals with bikers will only do so much because the damage is already done.

We covered this topic recently, with our article
Motorcyclists - why all the hate?. In it, we questioned the reasons why motorcyclists receive their largely undeserved bad reputation. Whether it be down to our "anti-motorcyclist" government, the media barking on about the risk-taking minority, or the general misconceptions of the mostly car-driving public. It's probably a combination of all these and more.
That news story, as with these recent ones, spurred a reaction from real bikers against all the finger pointing. Readers of the Coventry Telegraph, which published news of the recent events, have made
several comments about the event. 'What an insult to true bikers', one states. 'No way would real bikers behave in such a manner', says another. 'These are yobs, not bikers', a third.
Too right. Real bikers do not behave in such a reckless, criminal way. It's a shame that we need to carry out this constant reminder, but perhaps it's what's needed. Perhaps for every one story about an anti-social "biker", we need one about a real biker.
We are not yobs. We are considerate, safety-driven members of the public. Let's continue to remind everyone of that.
10/11/16 - Supposedly "for charity" but a fair few of them wearing masks to hide their faces. yeak looks legit. . .
10/11/16 - Most likely riding stolen 'bikes too.
10/11/16 - My local "newspaper" Birmingham Mail (which seems more interested in a wannabe z-list celebs getting plastic surgery than any real local news) is always reporting them as bikers, despite scores of comments to their articles pointing out that's not the case. Lazy journalism doesn't help, especially in the current climate.
10/11/16 - Wonder how many of the bikes are nicked?
10/11/16 - They should impound the lot, these are not the actions of charitable bikers.
10/11/16 - Just wait for them to get carried away with how 'unstoppable and hard' they are and throw patches up. They'll get stopped the hard way and wish they had been nicked instead.
11/11/16 - It's a stupid craze like the one sweeping America (No not Trump mania....the other one) where d**kheads ride like errrrrrr....d**kheads and tar every law abiding rider with the same brush....good call Joanne lazy journalist with sensationalism b****x
11/11/16 - The other day in traffic there was an idiot riding as if he didn't want to see the day out. Meanwhile, making just as good progress was a 'real' biker holding back, taking no risks just quietly getting on with it.
11/11/16 - Giving us all a bad name!
11/11/16 - that lot are bikers, they have the same love and passion for bikes (if not more) than we all do, its a real lifestyle, almost like the old hells angels type movement, think back to mods and rockers too, some of you may have been involved in that scene that was also frowned upon at the time.
the scene holds a major american influence and just a quick look at videos coming from the street scene stateside will show you the example thats being set and copied. these kids know that on a mototrcross bike you can do what you like, the bikes are fast and nimble, the police wont even chase you if you dont wear a crash helmet because of the possible outcome.
on a positive note, while you accept some of those fuckers are damaging their own scene, the majority are legal lads and lasses who enjoy riding in a pack and are not causing damage or being anymore anti social than the rest of us. and while doing so are not taking drugs, drinking in parks, and having to work to pay for the pride and joy they ride.
11/11/16 - Are u f**kin nuts......
' the old Hells Angels ' movement......?
Some of you may be old enough ....?
Some of us ARE old enough....and we ARE Bikers...
We are also old enough to know better than to ride around like a bunch of c**ts wrecking our own towns and cities....
We ACTUALLY support charities , many of them, and regularly make headlines for that reason.....
We don't seek attention nor ask for it.....
.....these t**ts are not bikers nor are they living the lifestyle...... most of them couldn't handle it...........
11/11/16 - calm down, lets discuss.
you cant tar them all with the same brush, watch these kids youtube videos and see for yourself first hand what they are like, there's good and bad. to hold one view against all of them is a short sighted opinion. do we know none of them raised a charitable donation at this point? nope. at my local bike meet (box hill) there's a club of these kids, they rock up on crossers and quads and some sport bikes, all revs and noise, all in club hoodies, but they are a polite lot, they love to come and look at all the rest of the bikes like everyone else, they have a burger and leave, they don't rape anyone or steal a thing.
11/11/16 - i live up the road from a k**b that works on these t**sers peds/quads/stolen bikes,they're scum,end of.non stop problems and police visits.lawless t**sers.
12/11/16 - They do not have the same love and passion for bikes that I do. I have been riding on road, off road and on track for many years but have never felt the need to behave like this. They are d**k heads pure and simple. That is a different lifestyle choice.
12/11/16 - you old boys sound like the old boys that used to criticise you lot back in the day... 'in my day'. 'ive been riding for years' 'those bl**dy kids'
you fellas would hate all the 'boom boom' music they listen to
12/11/16 - They're no fun at all. One good kick and they fall off! Small bikes n all that. Hope some of them live long enough to get a real one. Or an old banger so they can sit on the floor and listen to circus music while they think they're rally drivers in an old Citroen diesel and try and race me up the bypass... Lol ! As if...
11/11/16 - There were more than fifty in Leeds - a couple of hundred were estimated at one point. Their apologists were claiming it was for charity, but needless to say no money ever got handed over and the family who I was claimed to be intended for disclaimed all involvement.
11/11/16 - TBH I couldn't care less if car drivers don't like me. I ride a bike, I have fun, that's good enough for me. Their opinions are none of my business.
11/11/16 - who are you to say who or what a biker dont speak for me.
11/11/16 - not all young riders are idiots but the press arent interested in those who join in with charity ride outs. Probably most of those t**ts are just on peds cos they're not old enough to have a cars. Good bikers usually aren't news stories that sale papers and old school bikers are used to bad press. The charities we raise money for know different and that's all that's important.
11/11/16 - Problem is, new type 'motorcycles' are idiot proof...whereas old British iron needed some brain to keep going and kick starting now idiots are riding m/c's.
12/11/16 - they give us real bikers a bad name crush all there bikes en lock riders up
12/11/16 - There will be a war!!!!!
12/11/16 - These are not bikers, these are idiots on bikes.
Yes bikers do things that, through ignorance, cause discontent with car drivers (filtering or cheeky overtakes) but on the whole bikers are good honest people who enjoy there mode of transportation!
Ride safe all!
12/11/16 - ruins it for safe serious bikers
12/11/16 -
Hooligans on bikes, NOT bikers.
12/11/16 - Well, the ring of red (ride of respect) is tomorrow on the M60 and M25, maybe publish a good story to help the image of bikers?
Egg runs across the country for around 2 or 3 weeks before Easter, toy runs around Xmas, Ride to the Wall in October etc.
Lots of good stuff done by bikers isn't reported or published, it just isn't news...
12/11/16 - Im a biker, I love speed, I love power.... But, Empty roads away from the public or Track days is the answer, Not riding like a t**t.
12/11/16 - I don't recognise or empathise with anything going on there ...
12/11/16 - Probably over half of them are stolen, ininsured or unlicensed.
12/11/16 - A**holes and idiots and hopefully the law will catch them sooner rather than later
12/11/16 - Happens the clueless f**ktards need gelding so they can't breed and make even more retarded morons?
13/11/16 - They're an epidemic in Manchester. I see lads riding motocrossers, no lights or helmets, in the dark. They're a collision waiting to happen and of course it'll be the other person's fault for hitting them...