If The Face Fits
A new biometric facial and licence plate scanning system for motorcycle parking

Here we go again with another bit of technology edging its way into our world. This time it is a new system developed by a tech company called Unioncommunity and branded Ubio-X Mpass. It is based on software which scans your face and your number plate, links them and uses them for parking management.
So far this new system is aimed at the South East Asian market, and is designed to collate records of owners and motorcycles with the aim of facilitating parking and prevent theft. The system is said to have a 99 percent authentication rate and works by scanning your licence plate and biometrically scanning your face and comparing them to authenticate you before allowing you into the parking facility.
It is said to help prevent theft by associating the bike's number place with the owner's face. New users register on the site themselves using their smart phones, and once adopted it claims to be able to read 15 motorcycles and faces per minute from up to 3 meters away.
There's a pilot scheme in Vietnam in early March and if that all checks out and it seems to be working then a mass roll out is planned for April.
Here's what Unioncommunity, the developers have to say about it:
“We have developed the world’s first time and attendance management, access control, motorcycle traffic, and parking management system by combining face recognition and license plate recognition technologies, and we will accelerate the expansion of the Southeast Asian market with Vietnam as an outpost. We will expand the parking management system by combining new types of technologies that have not been seen in the biometric based access control market, and provide all parking-related solution in an integrated manner.”
So what do you think? Should a parking system be able to read your face? Will it actually really mean that Big Brother is watching you at all times and checking out where and who you are and what you're doing? Will the data be secure or is it going to end up being hacked or harvested? Also what if it goes wrong and refuses to connect you with your motorcycle? Will you then be arrested for the theft of your own bike?
Well any more scary thoughts out there or does anyone love it and think it will make life much easier?
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